Not just operators

To make a real impact in your work, and on the world, you need more than one type of person. That sounds obvious, given our understanding of the importance of diversity, but we need more than differing perspectives, we also need differing personalities, and there is a simple way to think about it that can help you build a successful environment around you.

The moment I began to understand how I fit into these three simple types, it gave me an entirely new perspective on my work.

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Change your life with two words

Everything that you see, do, and feel are just thoughts. If you think I’m crazy, or wrong, or even if you think I’m correct… Those are thoughts, too. Our entire life’s experience from end to end is just millions of thoughts.

“Cool, so what?” you’d say, if you were here.

Once you truly understand that everything is a thought, you begin to unlock the superpower that we all possess: the ability to influence our thoughts and materially change our lives for the better. It can start with just one word. So today, I’ll give you two.

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Make your values work for you

Last week, I wrote that passion for your job is a mistake, which attracted a bit of attention, and some of the questions and conversation uncovered confusion about passion vs. values, and what it looks like to be fulfilled in your work even if you aren’t passionate about it.

I’m not an expert, just a traveler on a values-aligning journey myself, so I can’t be authoritative, but I think I can help break this down.

In short, if you want to achieve fulfillment at work, and leave work each day feeling happy, put your values to work for you. By the end of this article you’ll have an idea of how to do that.

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Passion for your job is a mistake

Job listings, especially at start-ups, frequently appear to be in search of “a passionate team player to take this rocketship to the moon,” or whatever.

Even if the job is at a company with a mission that aligns with your values (which is a great way to choose a job), be cautious that you aren’t taking the job for the wrong reasons, because the outcome could be burnout, or worse.

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Beware the "hybrid role"

Have you ever heard the advice that you shouldn’t buy a combination printer/copier/fax machine because even though it can do all three things it won’t be very good at any of them?

Well, few people need a fax machine anymore so perhaps that point is moot, but when it comes to our jobs, it becomes harder to excel in any one area of skill as the number of areas you’re responsible for increases.

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